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1. Making sure you have everything

if you have installed MyMulticharV3 you dont have to do step 2, you can skip to step 3

if you dont have MyMulticharv3 Installed then you have to do whats said in step 2

2. Adding a Bucket System to myCharcreator

1. Download the BUCKETS.lua

download it here (might require additional approval of me) ![[BUCKETS.lua]]

2. Install the Buckets.lua into myCharcreator

put it inside your script folder (myCharCreator) and then..

in your fxmanifest.lua you will find code that looks like this

server_scripts {

replace it with this:

server_scripts {

now you have added buckets functionality to your mycharcreator (buckets = dimensions) now we need to implement it in the script itself!

3. Implementing it into MyCharCreator

in your client.lua from myCharCreator search for this code, ![[Pasted image 20240109192627.png]] and add the red circled code to yours!


(here is it again to copy)

 createmenu.OnMenuClosed = function(sender, item, index)

(here aswell)

and now you search for..

    saveItem.Activated = function(sender, item, index)

            FreezeEntityPosition(PlayerPedId(), false)


            TriggerEvent('skinchanger:getSkin', function(finalSkin)

                TriggerServerEvent('register:saveSkin', finalSkin)

                -- TriggerEvent('mySpawnSelector:open')



and replace it with..

    saveItem.Activated = function(sender, item, index)

            FreezeEntityPosition(PlayerPedId(), false)

            TriggerEvent('skinchanger:getSkin', function(finalSkin)

                TriggerServerEvent('register:saveSkin', finalSkin)

                -- TriggerEvent('mySpawnSelector:open')



and voila! :)